Biology and Chemistry Competency Exams for Anatomy and Physiology

What are the Biology and Chemistry Competency Exams for Anatomy and Physiology?
The Biology and Chemistry Competency Exams for Anatomy and Physiology test academic preparation and background knowledge for Biology 145 (Anatomy and Physiology I). The exams do not test a student’s knowledge of anatomy and physiology, but rather test biology and chemistry competency in preparation for anatomy and physiology coursework. A score of 70% or higher on the Biology Competency Exam will allow a student to waive the prerequisite of Biology 100, 101 or 105. A score of 70% or higher on the Chemistry Competency Exam will allow a student to waive the prerequisite of Chemistry 101 or 110. The results of the competency exams are valid for two academic years. If a student takes a competency exam but does not score 70% or higher, 然而希望再试一次能力考试, the student may re-take it two academic years after the previous attempt.

请注意: Regardless of a student’s score on either competency exam, the student must fulfill the other prerequisites for Biology 145, which are: a student must complete REA 098 and MATH 080 (or COMPASS equivalent) and the student must be eligible for (as determined by COMPASS score or other assessment) or currently enrolled in college-level English courses (100-level or greater).

学生 will be tested over the following objectives:


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method.
  2. 理解并有效使用公制单位.
  3. 说明生命的化学基础.
  4. 列出生物的特征.
  5. Describe the levels of biological organization from atom to biome.
  6. Relate the unifying role of cells to all living things.
  7. Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  8. 解释细胞结构和功能的概念.
  9. 解释酶的作用和调节.
  10. 描述与能量代谢有关的过程.
  11. Describe the levels of complexity and organization of the human.
  12. Describe the principles of both Mendelian and molecular genetics and their significance to evolutionary processes.
  13. Explain evolutionary processes and evaluate the evidence for evolution as an explanation for the diversity of life.
  14. Describe the categories of classification of living organisms from species to domain.
  15. 确定生态系统的组成部分, evaluate the importance of ecosystems and the influence of human population and activities on ecosystems.

The student may wish to refer to an introductory human biology or introductory biology textbook to study for these topics, for example: “Human Biology” by Mader (McGraw-Hill) or “Campbell Essential Biology” by Simon, 等. (皮尔森). Copies of the textbooks are on reserve in the library for review (ask for “Biology Competency Exam” books).


  1. 使用公制(S).I. 计算单位).
  2. 表现出对事物的理解.
  3. 解决涉及能量变化的问题.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of chemical periodicity and how it relates to the periodic table.
  5. Determine the number of subatomic particles present in an atom.
  6. 无机化合物名称.
  7. 平衡化学方程式.
  8. 表现出对质量百分比的理解.
  9. Identify the areas of the electromagnetic spectrum and the energy relationship of those areas.
  10. Use a periodic table to identify the electron configuration of an atom.
  11. 在计算中使用摩尔的概念.
  12. Do calculations involving solutions in stoichiometry.
  13. 展示分子结构中的化学键.
  14. Demonstrate an understating of liquids, solids and intermolecular forces.
  15. 定性地应用各种气体定律.
  16. 预测分子的形状.
  17. Demonstrate an understanding of acid and base chemistry.
  18. Demonstrate an understanding of oxidation and reduction reactions.
  19. Demonstrate an understanding of radioactivity and nuclear chemistry.
  20. Describe applications of chemistry to his/her everyday life.

The student may wish to refer to an introductory chemistry textbook to study for these topics, for example “Introductory Chemistry” by Tro (皮尔森). Copies of the textbook are on reserve in the library for review (ask for “Chemistry Competency Exam” books).

Who can take the Biology and Chemistry Competency Exams for Anatomy and Physiology?

A student who wishes to take one or both competency exam(s) must be enrolled in the college. The science prerequisite for Biology 145 is Biology 100, 101 or 105 and Chemistry 101 or 110. If a student is confident in his/her biology proficiency, he/she may choose to take the Biology Competency Exam. If a student is confident in his/her chemistry proficiency, he/she may choose to take the Chemistry Competency Exam.

When can I take the Biology and Chemistry Competency Exams for Anatomy and Physiology?

  • 四城校园- 309-796-5171 (测试中心) to schedule a test session.
  • 〇东校区 请致电309-854-1732预约考试.

学生 who need to take the Biology or Chemistry Competency Exam with accommodations based on their disability should contact Disability Services by calling 309-796-5900 (这些城市的校园) or 309-854-1713 (东校区) to make arrangements.


  • 带一张带照片的身份证. (有驾照者优先).
  • 在预定考试时间前15分钟到达.
  • 提供停车证. 如果你需要的话,请早点来.
  • 必须 你有太阳城集团博彩的身份证号码吗.